Tag: locize

What's new in locize

A lot of work may be virtual now, but that doesn’t mean we’ve slowed down! In fact, we spent the last months working on a new locize version with a bunch of fabulous updates. Here's a run-down of

Stay ahead of the game with localistars

While you can let your translation done by freelancers or inhouse employees using locize itself you also got the options to directly order translations from inside locize. With the existing integrati

A tale of the last 10 years in web development

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents depicted in this story are either the products of my imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any

Is your software ready for localization?

So you want people from all around the world to use and understand your software... ...but how to achieve that? Which format should I use?Think about the workflow of exporting strings of the soft

Localization should be fun

Learn from our experience we made during using the locize service on our own new webapplication. ![](thumb.png "working hard") In an early stage of drafting out our plan to completely rewrite our l

how we eat our own dogfood

After relaunching our website with new templates for our documentation, post pages and adding a new landing page, we decided to have at least the landing page translated. As we use hexo to generate ou